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Troy Nelson
4月23日読了時間: 1分
Wrinkle しわを寄せる
For the next word we will look at is from the Pre-1st grade EIKEN vocabulary list. The word for to day is -wrinkle....
Troy Nelson
4月22日読了時間: 1分
Guess what! [会話表現編] 聞いてよ!
Today we are going to look at a common conversational expression. This phrase comes from the 2nd grade EIKEN vocabulary and phrase list....
Troy Nelson
4月17日読了時間: 1分
Little doubt that...
Little doubt that... The phrase for today is – 今日のフレーズは - There is little doubt that … [熟語編] きっと・・・だ (I’m sure…) This a phrase is from...
Troy Nelson
4月16日読了時間: 1分
Protest outside the gate
Protest outside the gate. 門の外で抗議活動。 The word we will look at today is a verb – protest. 今日取り上げる単語は動詞、protestです。 protest [動詞]...
Troy Nelson
4月15日読了時間: 1分
Break into the car
Break into the car 車に侵入する Today we are going to focus on a 2nd grade EIKEN phrases that is often used. 今日は英検2級でよく使われるフレーズを中心に紹介します。 The...
Troy Nelson
4月9日読了時間: 1分
She will train
"She will train for a week." is one of the example sentences from today vocabulary on the Pre-2nd grade EIKEN list. 「彼女は一週間トレーニングする予定です。」...
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